Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Joystick Setting
Munggkin bnyk sobat yg sobat bingung gimna cara setting naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst pc yg kga kebaca.
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 joystick setting. The thing you should do is uninstall the game and buy a gamepad. Can someone who play this game on keyboard make screen of his key setup. To do so one would have to run x360ce from the game s directory configure their gamepad or download presets for it then rename xinput1 3 dll that x360ce created to xinput9 1 0 dll 2. Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst cara nya sett game padnya ga bs ya dcomputer athlon x2 260 vga hd 5500 ram 3 gb windows 7 32 bit udah downoad xbox 360 controller for windows.
Lun the game you can hear beep game sees your pad as xbox pad i hope i ve helped. Cara setting gamepad joystik naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst by. Mungkin ada beberapa orang yang mmasih belum mengetahui cara setting controller game naruto stom 3. Ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst.
Ultimate ninja storm 4 di pc maka akan terkendala jika anda memainkannya dengan menggunakan joystick. Cara setting joystick naruto ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst description. 12 copy them where game is instaled default steam steamapps common naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst as you can see those files are there already game must be using this emulator xd but for same reason it doesen t work change all filles 13. Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 untuk pc.
I have no idea how to set all keys to make a game playable. Feb 5 2016 10 17am i did everything like its said and it works but ingame the controller wont work at. Stick yang anda gunakan tidak mau terhubung tidak seperti halnya pada game naruto ultimate ninja storm revolution. Dan sekarang penantian anda akan terbayarkan karena link downloadnya sudah tersedia secara gratis.
Ultimate ninja storm 4. Langsung saja di 3d ya. Momo p d washington d c 85829 2. File for gamepad to work.
Http adf ly 1ua3a9 subscribe and like. Disini bang sholeh akan mensharing tutorial untuk menyeting controller tersebut. Ultimate ninja storm 3 full burst pc game download game ini memang sudah lama di tunggu tunggu kehadirannya oleh para gamer terutama pecinta anime naruto.